Many days are so similar there is little to discern between them. Time passes without much notice or any lingering memorable moments. Then there are other days. Days where everything seems to be doing a Tasmanian devil style dance around in our minds and we can get dangerously close to having a “chicken-little day”.

             Today was one of those days. That is until I got the nudge tap of God on my shoulder. Firstly, it thrills me to no end that I can even recognize these little God is talking moments. Secondly, it ultimately results in the same way as always. I get grateful. The list of ‘life’ circumstances, troubles, challenges, joys, sorrows, and more is an infinite one. Regardless of which one shows up in my life on a daily basis,… if I grateful? I get by.

            Sitting at yet another red light for what could be the billionth time for me at my age, I heard the words of this song: ‘Don’t Stop Believing’. As I fill much of my leisure time with practicing piano, ukulele and guitar; I keep ‘hearing’ music differently. The words and tempo of the song carried me away and washed over me with the Holy Spirit’s message to NOT stop believing!

            The words of another song came to mind while I was listening as well. “God is trying to tell you something”. These are the God is talking moments I mentioned before. The combination of the song playing and this gospel favorite of mine got me just where God wanted. God doesn’t want me to stop believing! Do NOT stop believing that it’ll all be okay. God’s got me.

 ----THEN! …. Prince came on the radio. (Yes, I listen to a lot of 80s music)

Dearly beloved

We are gathered here today.

To get through this thing called "life".

            Dearly beloved… has a much more enriched meaning for me now. As we enter into “The Month of Love” as penned by our congregant sponsoring altar flowers this coming Sunday, it was a miraculous light of joy to hear those two words. This is because, for me, being a Member of my FCC church family is at the top of my list of reasons to be grateful. We’re a family here and a family that chooses to Live Lives of Love! This! …makes me grateful. Keeps me grateful. Inspires and supports me to keep on believing!

            So, the worries and concerns whirling around earlier today were quieted. Settled down into a grateful calm with renewed and reassured comfort that I am blessed, I am loved, and I am going to be okay. I believe that. I really do. I am amongst our ‘dearly beloved’ congregation here. To gather. To get through! To live! To love… this thing called ‘life’. My congregation’s got me.

Jesus said unto him, If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth. -Mark 9:23

Dori Jones

Doris Jones (Dori), is the Office Administrator of First Congregational Church of Ramona. She lives locally in Ramona, CA, has two sons and has been a member of our church since 2003. She is also a fine art painter, poet, writer, voice actor and illustrator. Dori is also active in providing spiritual guidance and support to other women in various avenues, ministries and within the recovery community.

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