Where Does Your Spirit Dwell?

Where does your spirit dwell,

When you’re not feeling so well?

Is it in your eyes,

burning with the threat of tears?

or is it in your heart?

ripping you apart?

Is it in the twisted caverns of your brain,

Twisting into dark winding anguished screams?

Is it in the melodies of the songs you blast?

Songs to fill your ears and quiet the madness?

Where does your spirit go?

When the people of the World tell you...


. . . except, what you YEARN to know?!


Where does my spirit dwell?

My spirit whirls around inside me,

Sets out in action,

sets out on a course

To make my arms move

and get my legs to take stand.

My spirit flows my blood

to pump and pulse

To turn my life over,

Give my spirit over…

and place it in God’s hands.


God takes my pain

and rearranges its stain

Into magical flavors to season my cells

Into brilliant divinity

Of His fire and Holy Spirit.

God takes my spirit,

and keeps it well.

Its in His grace it dwells.


The Holy Spirit masters me like Geppetto

And animates my body,

so I that I can go on

Go on to create…

write down all the things

that make me ache.

Even when it feels like…

there’s nothing more to make.


My heart bears through the cruelty,

and the hate.

the misery and grim makers' shames

and it turns it all around;

and away,

from all of Life’s games,

and the play.


Where does my spirit dwell?

It’s on the paper my pencils find

In the paint that colors the images

of my mind

Turns them over to the canvases I find.

And it is God’s spirit that drives me there,

to create Worlds right out of thin air.

In my art,

And on the pages,

written in words

straight from my heart.


Where does my spirit dwell?

Safely within God’s grace,

Righted and loved…

in His Lighted Place.


Dori Jones

Doris Jones (Dori), is the Office Administrator of First Congregational Church of Ramona. She lives locally in Ramona, CA, has two sons and has been a member of our church since 2003. She is also a fine art painter, poet, writer, voice actor and illustrator. Dori is also active in providing spiritual guidance and support to other women in various avenues, ministries and within the recovery community.


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