Do you have a question you'd like to hear a pastor answer?

Maybe you're a Christian, maybe you're not. Maybe you already have a pastor you can talk to, maybe you don't. Maybe you have a question you're too embarrassed to ask or maybe you're just curious about something. Well here is an anonymous way you can ask whatever you want!

"Ask A Pastor" is a weekly Vlog where you can find out how a pastor would respond to your questions about life, faith, family, or whatever else! There is no judgement here and there are no dumb questions.

Submit your question below and subscribe to our youtube channel. We may not be able to respond to every question that gets submitted, but we'll sure try! Either way, you'll remain totally anonymous. The responses are not meant to provide the final or definitive answer to anything. They simply represent a perspective that we hope will be helpful.

Pastor Wes Ellis was born and raised in Ramona, California. He's served in several Protestant churches and Christian traditions (Evangelical, Presbyterian, UCC, United Methodist, and Lutheran). He has a BA in Biblical Studies and Theology, a Master of Arts in Christian Education, a Master of Divinity, and a Ph.D. in Practical Theology. He's the Pastor of First Congregational Church of Ramona.

If you don't want to be anonymous, email Pastor Wes at