Partner with us as we partner with God…
Our children gather to learn and grow together
Together we are always seeking new ways to serve our community, locally and globally.
Vocal and instrumental musicians invite the congregation into worship each week.
Youth Ministry
Our team of youth workers is here to meet the social and spiritual needs of anyone from fifth grade through college age.
Small Groups
We don’t do this alone! Join a small group to find new friends and deepen your faith.
Congregational Children's Center
One way we serve our community is by offering preschool or before-and-after-school programs.
Women's Fellowship
Women’s Fellowship is a great way to connect with other women in our church family!
Men's Fellowship
Connect with the men in our church and find ways to serve the community together.
Stephen Ministries
If you’re having a hard time finding joy in your life right now, let’s see what we can do!
Ramona Christian Singles
Interdenominational singles group