Walk-up Registrations will be accommodated
Join us for Vacation Bible School! M-Th 9A-12P. Cost is $5 per child, payments can be made online at: https://tinyurl.com/fccdonateform
VBS is a wonderful outreach to the children of Ramona offered for one week each summer. We usually serve 100 students age preschool through 6th grade. Each day children participate in a general session geared around the theme for the year; then they rotate to each of the following classes: Music, Bible story, Crafts, Recreation, Science and Snack. The Sunday following VBS is VBS Sunday and the children are invited to bring their families to church. The VBS children sing a couple of the songs they learned during VBS. This tremendous outreach utilizes about 40-50 volunteers. Additionally, members and attendees of the church donate at least half of the supplies needed to make this week a success.