Women's Tea: ‘Tell-the-Story’ White Elephant Gift Exchange, Fireside Room
For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.-Romans 6:23
‘Tell-The-Story’ White Elephant Gift Exchange
The rules are simple:
1. Each attendee brings a wrapped gift for the exchange.
2. Gifts MUST be gently used: For example: “a little rare something”, maybe something of yours, a cool thrift store find or antique store discovery; something unique, odd, adorable, out of the ordinary! etc. *nothing new!
3. Write a notecard (3x5) or so and “tell the story” of the find (wrap inside the gift!)
4. DO NOT spend more than $10-20! $20 at the absolute MAX!
5. Gift exchange will take place during the reading of The Nativity Story (right-left game).
Let Dori (760.896.0221) know if you’d like to help set up or clean up for this month’s event. We’d also appreciate contributions to our menu selections of eats, treats or sweets. Hope to see you there!
Kids welcomed; childcare also provided if needed.