First Congregational Church of Ramona

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Christian Education Report

This week, as we gear up for our Annual Meeting we’ll be featuring some of the reports from our 2021 Annual Report. Click here to see our Annual Report.

By Kristy Whigham

The Christian Education Board works to support our Sunday School, Youth Programs, and our church families. We were excited to return to church services inside and having in-person Sunday School once again. As a board, we supported the youth activities that were planned and carried out by Rebecca DeKoven, our Sunday School Director, and Brittany Volk and Justice Choate, our Youth Group Directors. These included Promotion Sunday, summer camp, Main Street Halloween Trick or Treating, Harvest Festival craft table, and Operation Christmas Child. We celebrated the return of VBS. While scaled back in terms of days, we welcomed our children for a full program of learning and fun. It is amazing to see the amount of work that goes into this yearly program! We were happy to present our annual Rally Day to kick off our Sunday School program. We enjoyed games and a snack lunch. A big THANK YOU to the groups within the church who helped enhance our Advent Workshop! The Music Committee, Congregational Children’s Center, Diaconate, Scholarship Committee, Mission Board, and Women’s Fellowship all pitched in to make this a wonderful event for the church family. We have even more ideas for next year. This year we talked about expanding our offerings for all ages in our church. Our Youth Directors began a new group, Kingdom Keepers, for our fifth and sixth graders as a steppingstone to the older youth group. We began an adult Bible study led by Jim Hogue and look forward to another on being led by John Stevenson, possibly in January. We will continue to look for ways to reach all members of our church family. I’d like to offer commendations to the Christian Education staff that have done so much for the youth of our church. Thank you to the congregation that has always been so supportive, donating time, supplies, or money whenever we express a need. Thank you to Pastor Nerice and Pastor Wes for all your support and good advice. Thank you to the members of our board for all you do for all of us.

Kristy Whigham served as Chair of the Christian Education Board in 2021 and will serve on our Board of Christian Education and Spiritual Formation in 2022. A long-time member of First Congregational Church, Kristy is one of our wisest and strongest leaders.