Let Us Pray

“My mind is everywhere and nowhere. God, could you be working in this confusion? Help me sort out my thoughts. Let me take a few moments of silence To let my thoughts have their way And then, to put aside the ones that can wait for another day. In silence, I pray: Clear my mind, Cleanse my soul Help me to focus on what matters.” —Lillian Daniel

At our church we’re starting this really cutting edge and innovative ministry initiative….

It’s called prayer….

Ok, there’s really nothing innovative about it. It’s a practice as old as humankind, but it is quite seriously the cutting edge of our relationship with God and our identity as disciples. Prayer is the bedrock, the cornerstone, the foundation, the… insert whatever other metaphor…. it’s really important.

So we’re starting this thing where we just open the doors to the sanctuary once a month or so and invite the community to come in and pray. We’re calling it Open Sanctuary.

Perhaps you’ve felt it…. that luxuriant feeling of the presence of God… I feel it almost every time I enter our sanctuary. I don’t think there’s anything magical about it. It may just be nostalgic sentimentality. I don’t really suspect that a building contains any inherent sacredness or that God is somehow enclosed within the walls of a wooden structure. But there is something special about our sanctuary. Since I was a child, I’ve just felt a little closer to God in that space. And I know other people feel that too.

At the very least, our sanctuary provides a uniquely quiet space where people can pause, pray, meditate, and connect with God.

So we open the doors and for about a 3 hour chunk of time anyone who wants to can come and enjoy the space for however long they want. You don’t have to be a member of the church. You don’t have to be a Christian. You can just come and breathe and meditate.

I hope you will consider trying this out with us on October 6th.

We do offer a prayer prompt to help guide the experience for anyone who wants it. When we did this last month, the prompt guided us in a centering prayer (a method of an ancient form of prayer called contemplative prayer).

Here is the prayer prompt we used this month. Let me just encourage you to find a comfortable space or just get comfortable where you are and let yourself concede to God’s presence right now….


Welcome to this time of prayer.

Come just as you are. Brings your sorrow, bring your joy, bring your exhaustions, bring your peace.

Take some time to relax your body..... smooth the lines on your forehead.... unclench your jaw....

Take at least one deep breath.

Where is your body holding its stress? ...let it go.

When you are ready — and not before — move on....


Read this scripture from the 42nd Psalm....

As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, my God. My soul thirsts for God, for the living God. When can I go and meet with God?

...read it once or twice (or more!) and think about the word or phrase that lingers on your mind....

Silently begin to repeat the word or phrase in your mind. Allow it to be a symbol of your desire for God’s presence.

Example: “My soul thirsts” “Streams of water” “Living God” “My God”

Continue breathing deeply.

In the stillness and quietness of this space, return to your word or phrase every time you begin to feel distracted. Do this for 5 to 10 minutes (or longer!)

At any point, feel free to kneel or stand in your place. Of course, you’re also welcome to simply stay in your seat.

...When you are ready, light a candle for someone or something that burdens your heart. Remind yourself of the word or phrase God gave you today. And let it be a symbol of God’s life-giving presence in EVERY situation.


Wesley Ellis

Pastor Wes Ellis has been a member of First Congregational Church since he was Baptized in 1994. He served as the Director of Youth Ministry from 2008-2012 and has been the Pastor of our church since October 11, 2021. He holds an M.Div. from Princeton Theological Seminary and a Ph.D. from University of Aberdeen.


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Holy Breath