We All Want to Be Right
By Matt Nuth
Some time ago, I read a friend’s book challenging us to consider it a blessing when we come to acknowledge we don’t know everything. Personally, it is difficult for me to consider that I might be wrong about things I previously thought I had known to be true.
Let Us Pray
By Wes Ellis
At our church we’re starting this really cutting edge and innovative ministry initiative….
It’s called prayer….
Holy Breath
By Wes Ellis
An interesting quirk about the ancient Hebrew and Greek languages in which the earliest manuscripts of the scriptures were written is that, in both of them, the word for “spirit” and “breath” are synonyms.
For the Love of Life
By Linda Hogue
There are a few who would argue with my position that everyone loves life. I hear them say, “I hate my life,” or, “Life sucks.” That’s doesn’t sound like a love of life, does it?
But we all have a survival instinct. We want to live. And the fact that we know our circumstances are not good indicates that we know there is something better. That something better is life. And that’s what we’re after. Real life.
Let’s Not Be Neutral
“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”
By Linda Hogue
One of the verses that is quoted a bit more than some others in the Bible is, “Perfect love casts out fear.” That is a true statement. When we know we are loved, or when we love, fear disappears. It is at least minimized. I don't fear those who love me. And I am not afraid of those I love.
Our Avowed Purpose
By Wes Ellis
According to the Constitution and Bylaws of our church,
“The Avowed purpose of this Church shall be to worship God, to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ, to celebrate the sacraments of Holy Communion and Baptism, to realize Christian fellowship and unity within this Church and the Church Universal, to render fellowship and service toward the whole human family, and to strive for righteousness, justice and peace.”
Have you ever wondered how your life could have been radically changed by a small event? Mine was changed forever by the night in college when I made popcorn balls. Actually… it was the night I TRIED to make popcorn balls – quite unsuccessfully, as it turns out.
Decision Making
By Linda Hogue
I had a really big decision to make. It was life-changing. It was the kind of thing that, once it is made, there is no going back. It would change everything….
Forget The Former Things
By Hal Mortier
I was asked if I would write a short blog post for the church website reflecting on Easter and what it means to me. The time frame was generous, as it was asked for by June 5th, allowing me plenty of time to come up with something. Quite honestly and although it is extremely important, I kept thinking over and over what Easter means to me is basically what it probably means to most others. The Lenten season, Palm Sunday, the Last Supper, the Crucifixion, and of course the climactic finish with the Resurrected Christ. Together they are the absolute core of our Christian faith journey.
Rise up, let us go!
By Ratko Filipovich
Today, after about two thousand years, we still remember the day of Jesus' resurrection. And just because we do, we have a reason to celebrate.
The Best You Can Do Might Be Nothing
By Wes Ellis
…When time is a commodity, work gets the last word. Every empty space is just a pause in the process that is otherwise all about getting stuff done and staying busy. We even start to think that the purpose of rest is to do more and better work. But Genesis teaches us that rest isn’t for work, work is for rest.